“It is such an advantage to know how Lara learns and how to help her when she doesn’t understand. It has made a huge difference…….. her negative attitude to maths is changing……even her teacher asked what we have done to her……..Mother of G4 girl.

“ I am so glad that I sent Blake…..He has been struggling, especially with his fractions and decimals. I realise now that it was because he didn’t understand the basic concepts …... now that we know how he learns we are able to help him with his homework …..thank you” Mother, G6 boy.

“I was so surprised… I didn’t know that I could write so well…. I didn’t like writing… found it difficult……It is so much easier now that I am using the strategies you taught me that suit the way I learn……Andrew (G11)

“………the programme has made such a difference to my English written work…… ….my teacher noticed it straight away…..Caitlin G7

“When I think about how I used to learn before I knew my learning style strengths…It was such a drag…….Now I am motivated to study, it takes far less time and my marks have gone right up……….” Craig G11 student.

“Thank you for your passion and belief in Mark. Your programme has changed his whole approach to learning, his results and thus his confidence in his ability to achieve….it has changed his life………” Mother of G10 student.

“Matt gained 4 years in his reading in 3 school terms and received an improved reading certificate at his school. This is remarkable……………….." Mother of G4 boy

“I am a high achiever at school, but my comprehension skills were affecting my results….Your programme has made a huge difference – especially understanding and applying critical thinking skills…” Grade 12 boy

“The programme has given me back my confidence and self belief. I felt lifted to have my gifts identified, and setting goals. I am feeling so positive and excited for the future……….” Charmaine

“As the owner of a business it has strengthened my sense of purpose and direction and given me huge insight into the individuals on my staff and how to best work with them…….” Andrew